FEBS Bursaries
FEBS bursaries are awards funded by FEBS to help early-career researchers from FEBS countries participate in a FEBS Congress when submitting an abstract to the event, as set out in more detail below. For the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress 2022, FEBS bursaries will cover the early registration fee for such scientists, and make a contribution of €400 towards travel/accommodation (up to €680 in total; see further notes at the end of this page).
Please check the eligibility criteria below carefully. A 'FEBS country' is a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society (Europe and some bordering countries)*. FEBS bursaries are not available to scientists resident in the country in which the Congress is taking place.
FEBS bursary applications deadline: March 10, 2022
Eligibility criteria
2022 FEBS bursary applicants must:
- Be submitting an abstract to the Congress as first author
- Be a registered PhD student or within 5 years of having received a PhD
- Be a PhD student at an institution of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society, or be working as a postdoctoral scientist in such a country*
- Be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society
- Be travelling to the Congress from outside Portugal
- Not have received an award from the FEBS Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Advanced Course in 2022
Please note that the number of meeting travel awards you have previously received from FEBS (FEBS Congress bursary, FEBS YSF grant, and FEBS YTF award for FEBS Advanced Course) may also be taken into consideration in your selection.
*Under exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis decided by merit, FEBS may support scientists studying or working in countries within the FEBS area of interest (Europe and bordering countries) that do not currently have a FEBS Constituent Society.
How to apply
Applications for FEBS bursaries for the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB 2022 Congress must be made through the Congress registration system before the bursary deadline of March 10, 2022.
(1) Select the Young Scientist participant type (or, if applicable, 'Young Scientist – FEBS Sprinzl' category)
(2) Click yes to the question in the registration form about applying for a Congress bursary
(3) You must upload the following three documents as a single pdf file, presented in the following order:
- Proof of Status: PhD student or postdoctoral scientist within 5 years of receiving a PhD
- Proof of current FEBS Constituent Society membership (scanned copy of current membership certificate/letter, dated within the past year, from your FEBS Constituent Society)
- Curriculum Vitae, prepared using the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress 2022 CV template
(4) Submit your abstract as first author, according to the guidelines on the Call for Abstracts webpage.
(5) Complete your registration order including payment of the registration fee by March 10, 2022.
Assessment and notification
Abstracts submitted by FEBS bursary applicants will be considered by the Session Chairs in consultation with the Local Organizing Committee for scientific quality during the event’s abstract screening and appraisal; in addition, CVs of eligible bursary applicants will be considered by the Local Organizing Committee.
The outcome of the bursary application will be notified via e-mail by April 7, 2022.
FEBS is supplying funding for over 200 bursaries for the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress. Unsuccessful eligible bursary candidates who are unable to attend the Congress without this bursary support can request refund of the registration fee from the Congress Secretariat if necessary, according to the Congress’s cancellation policy. A further option relevant to unsuccessful bursary applicants who applied from the FEBS Sprinzl scheme can be found here.
Update 29 March 2022: the FEBS Congress bursary scheme for the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress is no longer supporting scientists from the Russian Biochemical Society or Belarusian Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists; individuals from these Societies who applied for support and would have gone through to the assessment for a possible FEBS bursary were contacted by FEBS on 29 March 2022.
The FEBS bursary award value and reimbursement
The FEBS bursary will cover the early registration fee for the participant categories ‘Young Scientist’ (€280) or, where applicable, ‘Young Scientist – FEBS Sprinzl’ (€140). In addition, the FEBS bursary will make a contribution of €400 towards travel and accommodation.
Delegates awarded FEBS bursaries will be reimbursed after the Congress by bank transfer from FEBS; more details from FEBS Treasury will be available via your participant account on the Congress website following the notification from the Congress Organizers that you have been selected.