The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – founded in 1955 – unites biochemists and molecular biologists in 79 countries and regions that belong to the Union as an Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body represented by a biochemical society, a national research council or an academy of sciences. The Union is devoted to promoting research and education in biochemistry and molecular biology throughout the world and gives particular attention to areas where the subject is still in its early development. It achieves this in several ways.
Every three years the Union sponsors an International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Co-sponsorship of these Congresses by Regional Organizations of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has become the norm. These Congresses are major international meetings at which current research in all fields of biochemistry and molecular biology is considered. Thousands of individual research projects are presented in poster sessions and leading investigators from many nations survey their fields and describe their own research in symposia and plenary lectures. From 1992 to 2016 IUBMB also sponsored IUBMB Conferences, held in the years between the International Congresses. In 2017, Conferences were replaced by smaller Focused Meetings (up to three per year, including Congress years).
The IUBMB organizes or sponsors workshops, symposia and training sessions on biochemical and molecular biological education and provides free textbooks and journals to training institutions in developing nations. The Union also funds short-term fellowships for younger and mid-career biochemists and molecular biologists to travel to other institutions to perform research not possible in their own laboratories and provides Travel Fellowships for young scientists to attend its Congresses. Sponsorship of meetings and fellowships is restricted to regions that belong to the IUBMB.
As well as reaching biochemists through its own meetings, the IUBMB works closely with the four Regional Organizations that unite the biochemical societies of Asia and Oceania (Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists – FAOBMB), Europe (Federation of European Biochemical Societies – FEBS), the Americas (Pan-American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – PABMB) and Africa (Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – FASBMB).
Reaching individual biochemists is also the purpose of another very important function of the IUBMB, that of publishing news, reviews, information, original research and nomenclature. Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS) is seen monthly by over 100,000 readers, keeping them informed of research progress across the broad field of biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as of news of meetings, people and biochemical events. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry publishes original research findings and reviews in the expanding domain of the practical applications of the subject. IUBMB Life expedites the publication of short communications, identified by their novelty and the need for urgent dissemination. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is dedicated to publishing articles, reviews and editorials to assist the teaching of biochemistry and molecular biology to science and medical students throughout the world. BioFactors publishes reviews and original communications on growth factors and regulatory substances. Molecular Aspects of Medicine publishes reviews that aim to link clinicians and biomedical scientists.
For further information about IUBMB, please refer to the IUBMB website: iubmb.org