FEBS, the Federation of European Biochemical Societies
FEBS, the Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Founded on 1st January 1964, the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) has become one of Europe's largest organizations in the molecular life sciences. It has over 35,000 members across more than 35 biochemistry and molecular biology societies (its 'Constituent Societies') in different countries of Europe and neighbouring regions. As a grass-roots organization FEBS thereby provides a voice to a large part of the academic research and teaching community in Europe and beyond.
As a charity, FEBS promotes and supports biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, molecular biophysics and related research areas through its journals, Congress, Advanced Courses, Fellowships and other initiatives. There is an emphasis in many programmes on scientific exchange and cooperation between scientists working in different countries, and on promotion of the training of early-career scientists.
About the FEBS Press journals
The publication of high-quality journals by scientists for scientists is one of FEBS’ core objectives, reaching the global scientific community. The FEBS Journal publishes high-quality full-length papers and reviews, with a particular focus on biochemistry, molecular biology, structural biology and cell biology. FEBS Letters is renowned for its speed of publication, and publishes full-length research articles as well as research letters and reviews, including those from some of the invited speakers at this Congress in a virtual Special Issue. Both of these journals present annual awards for an outstanding research paper and the recipients are among the plenary lecturers at this Congress. FEBS Open Bio is a fully open access journal offering rapid publication of scientifically sound research articles and will be publishing the abstracts supplement for this Congress. Also fully open access, Molecular Oncology focuses on high-impact discoveries, approaches and technical advances in basic, clinical and discovery-driven translational cancer research.
About FEBS Congresses
The FEBS Congress aims to provide an outstanding international forum in the area of Europe and neighbouring regions for the face-to-face exchange of knowledge and ideas across the molecular life sciences. FEBS Congresses feature inspiring plenary lectures from distinguished researchers, a range of themed symposia providing updates from leading experts in different research areas, special sessions to engage participants on wider issues beyond research, and the contributions of participants towards the scientific discussion at the event through posters and brief oral presentations. The FEBS Congress has a strong emphasis on support, education and inspiration for the next generation of scientists, such as a bursary scheme for early-career researchers and a satellite Young Scientists’ Forum.
Altogether FEBS Congresses aim to be an exemplary cross-discipline gathering in the molecular life sciences for research presentation, discussion, learning, inspiration and encouragement — with participants leaving with new research knowledge and ideas, and perhaps the beginnings of international collaborations and friendships.
FEBS Congresses are a collaboration between FEBS and its Constituent Societies (the biochemistry and molecular biology societies across Europe and neighbouring regions that belong to FEBS), with the organization of the event awarded to a different host Society each year. In 2022, for the 46th FEBS Congress, FEBS is pleased to join together with the 25th Congress of IUBMB and 15th Congress of PABMB to celebrate a global event, hosted by the Portuguese Biochemical Society.
For further information about FEBS, please refer to the FEBS website: febs.org