YSF Venue and Travel
YSF venue

The 2022 IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF 2022) will be held at Hotel Golf Mar (3*) in Vimeiro, Portugal, an hour's drive north from Lisbon.
The hotel is located by the sea and has a panoramic view over the cliffs and beaches with direct access to Porto Novo beach, on the unspoiled Portuguese west coast.
The hotel offers various facilities as the venue of the YSF 2022 including excellent meeting rooms, well-equipped standard rooms, a restaurant with access to traditional Portuguese cuisine and a bar, with a terrace overlooking the sea and mountains.
Participants will be accommodated in shared rooms for the YSF 2022 in Hotel Golf Mar, from 6th to 9th July (3 nights) and for the joint 26th IUBMB, 46th FEBS and 15th PABMB Congress in central Lisbon from 9th to 14th July 2022 (5 nights). YSF 2022 participants do not need to book a room or pay accommodation fees; the Organizing Committee will take care of this, in collaboration with the Congress Organizers.
Transportation from Lisbon airport to Vimeiro on 6th July as well as from Vimeiro to Lisbon on 9th July will be provided. More information will be available closer to the date.