Ukrainian Schemes
The following support from FEBS has been introduced for scientists in Ukraine or displaced from Ukraine who are submitting abstracts to the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress.Scientists eligible for FEBS bursaries
As an exception to the normal requirements for FEBS bursary applicants, Ukrainian scientists eligible for FEBS bursaries can apply for these without prepayment of the registration fee and with an extended deadline of 14 March 2022 [23:59 (UTC+01:00)].
Rather than a Young Scientist registration category, please select the new 'Ukrainian scheme' registration type to obtain a pending fee waiver. Then (1) upload your supporting docs as set out on the FEBS bursaries page's 'How to apply' section (point 3*), as well as a scanned copy of ID card or passport; and (2) submit your abstract as first author, according to the guidelines on the Call for Abstracts webpage.
*In case of difficulty obtaining proof of employment or student status, other proof of affiliation to your institution in Ukraine may be accepted.
Applications will be assessed as set out for the FEBS bursary scheme, and travel/accommodation support for those selected will be as described on the FEBS bursary page.
Scientists not eligible for standard FEBS bursaries
Scientists not eligible for the normal FEBS bursaries scheme due to a longer time since their PhD or not belonging to a FEBS Constituent Society, but submitting an abstract as first author to the Congress, may be eligible for an additional funding scheme from FEBS – 'FEBS Ukrainian bursaries' – which will be offered at the same level as a standard FEBS bursary (registration fee covered by FEBS, and travel/accommodation support). The application deadline for this scheme is also 14 March 2022 [23:59 (UTC+01:00)].
Rather than an Academic or Young Scientist registration category, to apply for a FEBS Ukrainian bursary please select the new 'Ukrainian scheme' registration type to obtain a pending fee waiver. Then (1) upload as supporting documents a statement that you are applying for a 'FEBS Ukrainian bursary' (because you are not eligible for a standard FEBS bursary), your Curriculum Vitae prepared using the 2022 Congress Sprinzl CV template, proof of working/studying in Ukraine, and a scanned copy of ID card or passport; and (2) submit your abstract as first author, according to the guidelines on the Call for Abstracts webpage.
Applications will be assessed as set out for Sprinzl travel grants, and handling of travel/accommodation support for those selected will be as described there.